Michelle Smith of of Bankers Life Securities, Inc

DID MICHELLE RENEE SMITH CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Michelle Smith Of Bankers Life Securities, Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Michelle Smith Customer Complaint Michelle Smith has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were advisor misrepresented the terms of a Guarantee Life Income Annuity as well as a Premium Bonus Indexed Annuity. Bankers Life Securities recently denied the customer complaint and, thus far, the investor has not yet filed any arbitration proceeding nor taken any other action. Michelle Smith Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Michelle Smith did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Michelle Smith at Bankers Life Securities, Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Michelle Smith has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Bankers Life Securities, Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Bankers Life Securities, Inc. Due To Michelle Smith If you have questions about Bankers Life Securities, Inc. and/or Michelle Smith and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Michael Stolberg of Private Client Services, LLC

DID MICHAEL THOMAS STOLBERG CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Michael Stolberg Of Private Client Services, LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Michael Stolberg Customer Complaint Michael Stolberg has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were for misrepresentations in unsuitable investment recommendations involving real estate securities.  The FINRA arbitration proceeding was recently filed against Cambridge Investment Research for Michael Stolberg’s alleged misconduct and still pending. Michael Stolberg Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Michael Stolberg did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Michael Stolberg at Private Client Services, LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Michael Stolberg has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Private Client Services, LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Private Client Services, LLC Due To Michael Stolberg If you have questions about Private Client Services, LLC and/or Michael Stolberg and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Hector Tafoya of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

DID HECTOR TAFOYA CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Hector Tafoya Of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC And Formerly With Kovack Securities Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Hector Tafoya Customer Complaint Hector Tafoya has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were misrepresentation of a variable annuity investment.  A customer complaint was recently filed with JP Morgan Securities and is under review.  Thus far, it does not appear that the firm has made any determination that has been published. Hector Tafoya Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Hector Tafoya did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Hector Tafoya at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Kovack Securities Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Hector Tafoya has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Kovack Securities Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firms’ supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Due To Hector Tafoya If you have questions about J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Kovack Securities Inc. and/or Hector Tafoya and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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John Tofilon of Morgan Stanley

DID JOHN G TOFILON CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? John Tofilon Of Morgan Stanley Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct John Tofilon Customer Complaint John Tofilon has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were misrepresentation in connection with municipal bond transactions.  The FINRA arbitration proceeding was recently filed against Morgan Stanley for John Tofilon’s alleged misconduct and is still pending. John Tofilon Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, John Tofilon did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of John Tofilon at Morgan Stanley on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether John Tofilon has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Morgan Stanley also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Morgan Stanley Due To John Tofilon If you have questions about Morgan Stanley and/or John Tofilon and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Pamela Trone of PFS Investments Inc

DID PAMELA ANNE TRONE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Pamela Trone Of PFS Investments Inc, Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Pamela Trone Customer Complaint Pamela Trone has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses where the investment products were not adequately described and or misrepresented prior to sale. PFS Investments recently denied the customer complaint and thus far, the investor has not filed in the arbitration proceeding were taken any other action. Pamela Trone Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Pamela Trone did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Pamela Trone at PFS Investments Inc, on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Pamela Trone has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at PFS Investments Inc also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At PFS Investments Inc, Due To Pamela Trone If you have questions about PFS Investments Inc, and/or Pamela Trone and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Paul Tunink of Valic Financial Advisors, Inc

DID PAUL TUNINK CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Paul Tunink Of Valic Financial Advisors, Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Paul Tunink Customer Complaint Paul Tunink has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were registered representative ignored customers instructions and placed into and aggressively allocated account, which she did not authorize.  The customer complaints was recently filed with Valic Financial Advisors and still pending its review and disposition. Paul Tunink Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Paul Tunink did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Paul Tunink at Valic Financial Advisors, Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Paul Tunink has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Valic Financial Advisors, Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Valic Financial Advisors, Inc. Due To Paul Tunink If you have questions about Valic Financial Advisors, Inc. and/or Paul Tunink and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Marty Valade of Woodbury Financial Services, Inc

DID MARTY VALADE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Marty Valade Of Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Marty Valade Customer Complaint Marty Valade has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were the representative excessively traded customer’s account and charged excessive fees. Woodbury Financial Services recently denied the customer complaint so far, the investor has not filed in the arbitration proceeding were taken any other action. Marty Valade Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Marty Valade did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Marty Valade at Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Marty Valade has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. Due To Marty Valade If you have questions about Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. and/or Marty Valade and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Craig Sturges of Centaurus Financial, Inc

DID CRAIG SOTHERN STURGES CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Craig Sturges Of Centaurus Financial, Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Craig Sturges Customer Complaint Craig Sturges has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were the registered representative misrepresented, recommended and unsuitable investment, and breached his fiduciary duty connection with real estate security investments. A customer complaint was recently made to Centaurus Financial who are currently reviewing the complaint. Craig Sturges Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Craig Sturges did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Craig Sturges at Centaurus Financial, Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Craig Sturges has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Centaurus Financial, Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Centaurus Financial, Inc. Due To Craig Sturges If you have questions about Centaurus Financial, Inc. and/or Craig Sturges and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Aaron Ungerer of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated

DID AARON ANDREW UNGERER CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Aaron Ungerer Of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Aaron Ungerer Customer Complaint Aaron Ungerer has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were unauthorized trading.  Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith recently denied the customer complaints and to date, it does not appear that the investor has filed any arbitration proceeding were taking the next step to recoup the losses. Aaron Ungerer Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Aaron Ungerer did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Aaron Ungerer at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Aaron Ungerer has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Due To Aaron Ungerer Just because the brokerage firm denied the customer complaint does not mean it did not have merit. If you have questions about Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and/or Aaron Ungerer and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Casey Walker of Cetera Advisor Networks LL

DID CASEY BRENT WALKER CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Casey Walker Of Cetera Advisor Networks LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Casey Walker Customer Complaint Casey Walker has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were unsuitable investment recommendations relating to real estate securities.  The FINRA arbitration proceeding was recently filed against Cetera Advisor Networks for Casey Walker’s alleged misconduct and is still pending. Casey Walker Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Casey Walker did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Casey Walker at Cetera Advisor Networks LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Casey Walker has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Cetera Advisor Networks LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Cetera Advisor Networks LLC Due To Casey Walker If you have questions about Cetera Advisor Networks LLC and/or Casey Walker and the management or performance of your accounts,, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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