Jon Lee formerly with AAG Capital, Inc

DID JON RAYMOND LEE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Jon Lee Formerly With AAG Capital, Inc. and Aegis Capital Corp. Has 4 Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct Jon Lee Customer Complaints Jon Lee has been the subject of 4 customer complaints that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. Two of the customer complaints were settled by Jon Lee’s former employers in favor of the investors.  Another customer complaint was denied by Citigroup Global Markets and the investor filed took no further action.  There is currently one customer complaint in a FINRA arbitration proceeding against Aegis Capital Corp. for Jon Lee’s alleged misconduct that is still pending. Allegations Against Jon Lee A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows: Jon Lee Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Jon Lee did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Jon Lee at AAG Capital, Inc. and Aegis Capital Corp. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Jon Lee has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at AAG Capital, Inc. and Aegis Capital Corp. also raises questions about the brokerage firms’ supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At AAG Capital, Inc. Due To Jon Lee If you have questions about AAG Capital, Inc., Aegis Capital Corp. and/or Jon Lee and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Michael Leonard of MML Investors Services, LL

DID MICHAEL CHARLES LEONARD CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Michael Leonard Of MML Investors Services, LLC Has 2 Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct Michael Leonard Customer Complaints Michael Leonard has been the subject of 2 customer complaints that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. Both customer complaints were denied by Michael Leonard’s employers and thus far, investors have not taken any further action. Allegations Against Michael Leonard A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows: Michael Leonard Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Michael Leonard did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Michael Leonard at MML Investors Services, LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Michael Leonard has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at MML Investors Services, LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At MML Investors Services, LLC Due To Michael Leonard If you have questions about MML Investors Services, LLC and/or Michael Leonard and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Jeffrey Lee of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

DID JEFFREY LEE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Jeffrey Lee Of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Jeffrey Lee Customer Complaint Jeffrey Lee has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for $40 million and investment losses were for failure to supervise. The customer complaint recently filed against J.P. Morgan Securities is still pending in the FINRA arbitration forum. Jeffrey Lee Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Jeffrey Lee did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Jeffrey Lee at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Jeffrey Lee has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Due To Jeffrey Lee If you have questions about J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and/or Jeffrey Lee and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Suzette Lawrence of D.A. Davidson & Co

DID SUZETTE LAWRENCE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Suzette Lawrence Of D.A. Davidson & Co. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Suzette Lawrence Customer Complaint Suzette Lawrence has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were mismanagement of an investment portfolio in a discretionary managed investment advisory account.  The customer complaint recently filed with D.  A.  Davidson and Co. is still awaiting firm review and disposition. Suzette Lawrence Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Suzette Lawrence did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Suzette Lawrence at D.A. Davidson & Co. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Suzette Lawrence has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at D.A. Davidson & Co. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At D.A. Davidson & Co. Due To Suzette Lawrence If you have questions about D.A. Davidson & Co. and/or Suzette Lawrence and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Tushar Kumar formerly withLPL Financial LLC

DID TUSHAR KUMAR CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Tushar Kumar Formerly With LPL Financial LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Tushar Kumar Customer Complaint Tushar Kumar has been the subject ofat least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were unauthorized trading and suitability issues related to investments in equity listed common and preferred stocks.  LPL Financial recently denied the customer complaint and to date, it does not appear that the investor is taking any further action. Tushar Kumar Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Tushar Kumar did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Tushar Kumar at LPL Financial LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Tushar Kumar has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at LPL Financial LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At LPL Financial LLC Due To Tushar Kumar If you have questions about LPL Financial LLC and/or Tushar Kumar and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Brian Lawrence of Morgan Stanley

DID BRIAN NEIL LAWRENCE CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Brian Lawrence Of Morgan Stanley Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Brian Lawrence Customer Complaint Brian Lawrence has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were related to the increased risk in the client’s portfolio due to advisor’s investments in corporate debt of First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Bed Bath and Beyond. The customer complaint was recently filed with Morgan Stanley and is still awaiting review and determination by the brokerage firm. Brian Lawrence Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Brian Lawrence did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Brian Lawrence at Morgan Stanley on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Brian Lawrence has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Morgan Stanley also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Morgan Stanley Due To Brian Lawrence If you have questions about Morgan Stanley and/or Brian Lawrence and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Kari Larocco of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC

DID KARI R LAROCCO CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Kari Larocco Of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Kari Larocco Customer Complaint Kari Larocco has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were advisor failed to liquidate all her accounts in accordance with her instructions. Customer complaint was recently filed and settled in favor of the investor. Kari Larocco Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Kari Larocco did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Kari Larocco at Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Kari Larocco has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Due To Kari Larocco If you have questions about Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC and/or Kari Larocco and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Mitchell Lamchick of Raymond James & Associates, Inc

DID MITCHELL LAMCHICK CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Mitchell Lamchick Of Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Mitchell Lamchick Customer Complaint Mitchell Lamchick has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were misrepresentation about the liquidity of an investment in a structured product, Raymond James and Associates recently deny the customer complaints, and so far does not appear that the investor has filed in the arbitration proceeding or taken any other action. Mitchell Lamchick Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Mitchell Lamchick did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Mitchell Lamchick at Raymond James & Associates, Inc. on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Mitchell Lamchick has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Raymond James & Associates, Inc. also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Raymond James & Associates, Inc.  Due To Mitchell Lamchick If you have questions about Raymond James & Associates, Inc. and/or Mitchell Lamchick and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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James Williams of Newbridge Securities Corporation

DID JAMES EARL WILLIAMS CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? James Williams Of Newbridge Securities Corporation Has 6 Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct James Williams Customer Complaints James Williams has been the subject of 6 customer complaints that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. Five of the customer complaints were settled by Newbridge Securities Corporation or his former employer in favor of the investors. The other customer complaint was denied by AG Edwards and Sons and the investor took no further action. Allegations Against James Williams A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows: James Williams Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, James Williams did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of James Williams at Newbridge Securities Corporation on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether James Williams has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Newbridge Securities Corporation also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Newbridge Securities Corporation Due To James Williams If you have questions about Newbridge Securities Corporation and/or James Williams and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Keith Williams of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

DID KEITH ARNEZ WILLIAMS CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Keith Williams Of J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Keith Williams Customer Complaint Keith Williams has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about seeking to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were a misrepresentation regarding managed account investment. J.P. Morgan Securities recently denied the customer complaint and so far, does not appear that the investor has filed any arbitration proceeding were taken any other action. Keith Williams Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Keith Williams did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Keith Williams at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Keith Williams has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at J.P. Morgan Securities LLC also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. Did You Lose Money Because of Broker Misconduct? If you have lost money due to negligence or fraud by a stockbroker or advisor, the easiest way to know if you have a case is to call our office at 800-732-2889. Our investment fraud attorneys will evaluate your claim for free and let you know if we can help you recover your losses. Need Legal Help? Let’s talk. or, give us a ring at 561-338-0037. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Due To Keith Williams If you have questions about J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and/or Keith Williams and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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