Tyler Gilberg of Edward Jones

DID TYLER MARSHALL GILBERG CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Tyler Gilberg Of Edward Jones Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Tyler Gilberg of Edward Jones? Tyler Gilberg (CRD #5749175) who is currently registered with Edward Jones and located in Glendale, Arizona is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Tyler Gilberg Customer Complaint Tyler Gilberg has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were Tyler Gilberg failed to disclose the tax consequences associated with the liquidation of a Nationwide annuity. Tyler Gilberg’s customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. Tyler Gilberg Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Tyler Gilberg did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Tyler Gilberg at Edward Jones on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Tyler Gilberg has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Edward Jones also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Edward Jones Due To Tyler Gilberg If you have questions about Edward Jones and/or Tyler Gilberg and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Lee Goodin of LPL Financial

DID LEE M. GOODIN CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Lee Goodin Of LPL Financial And Formerly With Vanguard Marketing Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Lee Goodin of LPL Financial? Lee Goodin (CRD #6105653) who is currently registered with LPL Financial and located in Fort Mill, South Carolina is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Prior to LPL Financial, Lee Goodin was associated with Vanguard Marketing and other investment advisory and brokerage firms with a history of customer complaints and securities industry regulatory problems. Lee Goodin Customer Complaint Lee Goodin has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were an unsuitable sale of mutual funds generated unnecessary taxable gain for the trust. Lee Goodin’s customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. Lee Goodin Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Lee Goodin did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Lee Goodin at LPL Financial and Vanguard Marketing on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Lee Goodin has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at LPL Financial and Vanguard Marketing also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At LPL Financial Due To Lee Goodin If you have questions about LPL Financial, Vanguard Marketing, and/or Lee Goodin and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Matthew Gonzales formerly with Morgan Stanley

DID MATTHEW D. GONZALES CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Matthew Gonzales Formerly With Morgan Stanley Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Matthew Gonzales formerly with Morgan Stanley? Matthew Gonzales (CRD #5872647) who was formerly registered with Morgan Stanley and located in Houston, Texas is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Matthew Gonzales Customer Complaint Matthew Gonzales has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were unsuitable investment recommendations.  Matthew Gonzales’ customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. Matthew Gonzales Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Matthew Gonzales did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Matthew Gonzales at Morgan Stanley on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Matthew Gonzales has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Morgan Stanley also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Morgan Stanley Due To Matthew Gonzales If you have questions about Morgan Stanley and/or Matthew Gonzales and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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John Gogolin of Edward Jones

DID JOHN PATRICK GOGOLIN CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? John Gogolin Of Edward Jones Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is John Gogolin of Edward Jones? John Gogolin (CRD #6389114) who is currently registered with Edward Jones and located in Roseburg, Oregon is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. John Gogolin Customer Complaint John Gogolin has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were that Vanguard Marketing did not tell him there was a $60,000.00 premium that he would have to pay to purchase his municipal bond. John Gogolin’s customer complaint was settled in favor of the investors. John Gogolin Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, John Gogolin did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of John Gogolin at Edward Jones on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether John Gogolin has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Edward Jones also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Edward Jones Due To John Gogolin If you have questions about Edward Jones and/or John Gogolin and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Michelle Gill formerly with Paradigm Equities

DID MICHELLE LYNN GILL CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Michelle Gill Formerly With Paradigm Equities Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Michelle Gill formerly with Paradigm Equities? Michelle Gill (CRD #6447758) who was formerly registered with Paradigm Equities and located in East Lansing, Michigan is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Michelle Gill has also been the subject of a FINRA investigation into whether she participated in private securities transactions without providing written notice to, or obtaining approval from, a member firm.  Michelle Gill consented without admitting or denying the allegations to the sanctions of a two-month suspension and a $5,000 fine. Michelle Gill Customer Complaint Michelle Gill has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were the client’s Power of Attorney (POA) presented a spreadsheet of allocations that she felt would be appropriate for the client’s account. Both the POA and the clients desired to move funds into more conservative fund options. Also, the client’s POA and the clients met with Michelle Gill to discuss the allocation changes to the account. When the POA was preparing the client’s taxes, she said she was surprised that there were capital gains from the changes made.  Michelle Gill stated that she thought she had discussed capital gains with the POA and the clients. The client’s POA filed a written complaint alleging inadequate financial advice. Michelle Gill’s customer complaint was settled in favor of the investors. Michelle Gill Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Michelle Gill did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Michelle Gill at Paradigm Equities on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Michelle Gill has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Paradigm Equities also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Paradigm Equities Due To Michelle Gill If you have questions about Paradigm Equities and/or Michelle Gill and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Joseph Giles of Equitable Advisors

DID JOSEPH ALAN GILES CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Joseph Giles Of Equitable Advisors Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Joseph Giles of Equitable Advisors? Joseph Giles (CRD #5486719) who is currently registered with Equitable Advisors and located in Toms River, New Jersey is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Joseph Giles Customer Complaint Joseph Giles has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were client alleged Joseph Giles advised him to sell a variable annuity in order to purchase a fixed annuity that was not suitable for his needs, and that Mr. Giles did not fully inform him of the details of this fixed annuity at the time of purchase. Joseph Giles’ customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. Joseph Giles Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Joseph Giles did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Joseph Giles at Equitable Advisors on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Joseph Giles has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Equitable Advisors also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Equitable Advisors Due To Joseph Giles If you have questions about Equitable Advisors and/or Joseph Giles and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Samuel Girgiss of Spartan Capital Securities

DID SAMUEL GIRGISS CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Samuel Girgiss Of Spartan Capital Securities And Formerly With Legend Securities And Worden Capital Management Has 2 Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Samuel Girgiss of Spartan Capital Securities? Samuel Girgiss (CRD #6088898) who is currently registered with Spartan Capital Securities and located in New York, New York is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Prior to Spartan Capital Securities, Samuel Girgiss was associated with Legend Securities, Worden Capital Management and other investment advisory and brokerage firms with a history of customer complaints and securities industry regulatory problems. Samuel Girgiss Customer Complaints Samuel Girgiss has been the subject of 2 customer complaints that we know about, one of those complaints was filed in the last year to recover investment losses. One of Samuel Girgiss’ 2 customer complaints was settled in favor of investors. There is currently one pending customer complaint filed against Spartan Capital Securities for investment losses caused by Samuel Girgiss’ alleged misconduct. Allegations Against Samuel Girgiss A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows: Samuel Girgiss’ alleged churning, unsuitable recommendations, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, breach of contract, and negligent supervision. Client alleged Samuel Girgiss made misrepresentations and unsuitable recommendations. Samuel Girgiss Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Samuel Girgiss did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Samuel Girgiss at Spartan Capital Securities, Legend Securities, and Worden Capital Management on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Samuel Girgiss has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Spartan Capital Securities, Legend Securities, and Worden Capital Management also raises questions about the brokerage firms’ supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Spartan Capital Securities Due To Samuel Girgiss If you have questions about Spartan Capital Securities, Legend Securities, Worden Capital Management, and/or Samuel Girgiss and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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John Furey of AIG Capital Services

DID JOHN R. FUREY CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? John Furey Of AIG Capital Services And Formerly With Pruco Securities Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is  John Furey of AIG Capital Services? John Furey (CRD #6677311) who is currently registered with AIG Capital Services and located in Jersey City, New Jersey is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Prior to AIG Capital Services, John Furey was associated with Pruco Securities and other investment advisory and brokerage firms with a history of customer complaints and securities industry regulatory problems. John Furey Customer Complaint John Furey has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about, which was filed in the last year to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were client alleged that John Furey misrepresented the replacement (internal) of four policies and that he did not fully disclose all facts regarding the premium payments. John Furey’s customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. John Furey Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, John Furey did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of John Furey at AIG Capital Services and Pruco Securities on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether John Furey has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at AIG Capital Services and Pruco Securities also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At AIG Capital Services Due To John Furey If you have questions about AIG Capital Services, Pruco Securities, and/or John Furey and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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Keith Glaser of J.W. Cole Financial

DID KEITH LEON GLASER CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? Keith Glaser Of J.W. Cole Financial, J.W. Cole Advisors And Formerly With Platinum Wealth Partners Has 5 Customer Complaints For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is Keith Glaser of J.W. Cole Financial? Keith Glaser (CRD #4437077) who is currently registered with J.W. Cole Financial, J.W. Cole Advisors and located in Tampa, Florida is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Prior to J.W. Cole Financial and J.W. Cole Advisors, Keith Glaser was associated with Platinum Wealth Partners and other investment advisory and brokerage firms with a history of customer complaints and securities industry regulatory problems. Keith Glaser Customer Complaints Keith Glaser has been the subject of 5 customer complaints that we know about. Four of Keith Glaser’s 5 customer complaints were settled in favor of investors. One of Keith Glaser’s customers’ complaints was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. Allegations Against Keith Glaser A sample of the allegations made in the FINRA reported arbitration claim settlements and/or pending complaints for investment losses are as follows: Client dissatisfied with performance of REIT allegedly made by Keith Glaser and claimed the purchase was not suitable. Customer claimed Keith Glaser allegedly did not always contact her before trades and was upset over account decline. Customer claimed Keith Glaser made unsuitable investments. Customer alleged common law and statutory violations made by Keith Glaser. Keith Glaser Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, Keith Glaser did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of Keith Glaser at J.W. Cole Financial, J.W. Cole Advisors, and Platinum Wealth Partners on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether Keith Glaser has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at J.W. Cole Financial, J.W. Cole Advisors, and Platinum Wealth Partners also raises questions about the brokerage firms’ supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At J.W. Cole Financial Due To Keith Glaser If you have questions about J.W. Cole Financial, J.W. Cole Advisors, Platinum Wealth Partners, and/or Keith Glaser and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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William Griggs formerly with Vestech Securities

DID WILLIAM E. GRIGGS III CAUSE YOU INVESTMENT LOSSES? William Griggs Formerly With Vestech Securities, Kestra Investment Services And Ameriprise Financial Services Has A Customer Complaint For Alleged Broker Misconduct Who is William Griggs formerly with Vestech Securities? William Griggs (CRD #5246146) who was formerly registered with Vestech Securities and located in St. Louis, Missouri is a subject of one of our many securities industry sales practice abuse investigations. Prior to Vestech Securities, William Griggs was associated with Kestra Investment Services, Ameriprise Financial Services and other investment advisory and brokerage firms with a history of customer complaints and securities industry regulatory problems. William Griggs Customer Complaint William Griggs has been the subject of at least one customer complaint that we know about, which was filed in the last year to recover investment losses. The allegations made in the FINRA reported customer complaint for investment losses were that William Griggs misrepresented the facts and risks of a variable annuity purchase. William Griggs’ customer complaint was denied and, to date, the customer has not taken any further action. William Griggs Red Flags & Your Rights As An Investor Of course, William Griggs did not admit to any of the allegations. But regardless of whether an arbitration award was entered, a settlement occurred, or the customer complaint is still pending, the allegations made by customers are red flags which should put all current and former customers of William Griggs at Vestech Securities, Kestra Investment Services, and Ameriprise Financial Services on alert to review carefully the activity and performance of their accounts and question whether William Griggs has engaged in any stockbroker misconduct that may have caused them investment losses. The large number of customer complaints at Vestech Securities, Kestra Investment Services, and Ameriprise Financial Services also raises questions about the brokerage firm’s supervisory practices. If these red flags raise questions, call us and we will inform you of your rights as an investor. File A Claim To Recover Your Investment Losses At Vestech Securities Due To William Griggs If you have questions about Vestech Securities, Kestra Investment Services, Ameriprise Financial Services, and/or William Griggs and the management or performance of your accounts, please contact Attorney Pearce for a free initial consultation via email or Toll Free at 1-800-732-2889.

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