Nov 24, 2023
The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. is currently investigating claimsagainst stockbrokers related to recommendations to purchase the variousiCap investments and is offering free consultations to those who havesuffered iCap investment losses. If you have suffered iCap investment losses,our experienced securities litigation attorneys are prepared to discuss thematter and provide their legal opinion as to whether you can recoverdamages against the broker-dealer who recommended and sold you one ormore of the iCap investments. Please contact our law firm at 561-338-0037 oronline for a free consultation. At the end of September 2023, it was reported that iCap Enterprises, Inc., areal estate investment holding company and its many affiliates (“collectively“iCap”) through which it raised capital filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 ofthe United States Bankruptcy Code in the Eastern District of Washington. It isestimated that iCap has perhaps $50 million in assets and over $500 millionin liabilities. It stopped making the interest payments due the investorsapproximately 6 months prior to filing bankruptcy. The lopsided amount ofdebt relative to the assets indicates that any reorganization or liquidation willleave investors holding unsecured debt with substantial losses. What Happened To My iCap Investment? Most of the capital was raised through private placements of various forms ofdebt, bonds and notes. These were high yield, high risk, illiquid investmentsthat stockbrokers should have been wary of and not recommended toinvestors with conversative or moderate risk tolerances. Based upon what wehear from investors, many stockbrokers misrepresented the risk of theseinvestments and recommended them anyway in violation of their fiduciary. Investment Losses? We Can Help Discuss your legal options with an attorney at The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A. Get A Free Consultation or, give us a ring at (800) 732-2889. Who Are The iCap Companies that Filed Bankruptcy? The recently filed bankruptcy is a consolidated bankruptcy intended tobenefit iCap and not the investors by wiping out the various companiesunsecured debt. You might hear that the debt is simply being restructured,However, don’t be fooled into thinking that the holders of the unsecuredbonds and notes will get any of their money back in the bankruptcy. If youare an investor in any unsecured bonds and notes in the following companies, you should start exploring alternative avenues other thanthemselves to recover your investment losses: iCap Broadway LLC VH Senior Care LLC iCap Realty LLC iCap Pacific Development LLC Senza Kenmore, LLC UW 17TH AVE, LLC 725 Broadway, LLC iCap @ UW, LLC iCap Campbell Way LLC VH Willows Townhomes, LLC iCap Vault Management, LLC iCap Funding LLC iCap Holding 6 LLC iCap Holding LLC VH Pioneer Village LLC Vault Holding I, LLC iCap Management LLC VH 1121 14th, LLC iCap Enterprises, Inc. iCap Pacific Income 5 Fund, LLC iCap Holding 5 LLC iCap Vault, LLC iCap Equity LLC iCap Pacific Northwest Opportunityand Income Fund iCap Northwest Opportunity Fund, LLC Vault Holding, LLC iCap Pacific Income 4 Fund LLC iCap Investments, LLC iCap Vault 1, LLC VH 2nd Street Office, LLC iCap Pacific NW Management Given the predictable outcome of bankruptcy, it is likely that investors’ onlysource of recovery of their losses will be the stockbrokers and their brokeragefirms who offered and sold the securities investments to them. Don’t Be Discouraged By The iCap Bankruptcy! Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection is not the end of the line for investors.Investors should seek the opinion of a skilled and experienced securitiesattorney about getting just compensation for their investment losses. Broker-dealers and their agents who misrepresented and/or made unsuitablerecommendations about the iCap investments may still be held liable forlosses in investor accounts. In other words, an account holder can still file aFINRA arbitration against the broker-dealer to recover losses in iCap and itsaffiliates bonds, notes, and limited liability membership interests formisrepresentations, unsuitable recommendations, failure to conductadequate due diligence, negligence, etc. You should not let your broker-dealer or broker/financial advisor convince you otherwise. What Are The iCap Private Placement Investments? Private placements is a broad term that describes securities that are notoffered for sale through a public exchange. These can include promissorynotes, private equity offerings, small start-up businesses, etc. PrivatePlacements are issued under Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933.Regulation D provides exemptions from the more rigorous Securities andExchange Commission (SEC) registration requirements and allowscompanies to offer and sell securities without extensive disclosures. It is theabsence of standard disclosure requirements that often creates theopportunity for fraud. The Securities Exchange Commission, federal courts, and FINRA have allfound that brokerage firms have a duty to conduct a reasonable investigationconcerning the private placements issuer’s representations concerning thesecurity. A brokerage firm’s due diligence obligation also stems fromsuitability obligations requiring the broker to have reasonable grounds tobelieve that a recommendation to purchase, sell, or exchange a security issuitable for the customer. In order to meet the due diligence obligation, thebrokerage firm and/or financial advisor must make reasonable efforts togather and analyze information about the private placement, the issuer andits management, the business prospects of the issuer, the assets held by or tobe acquired by the issuer, the claims being made by the issuer in the offeringmaterials, and the intended use of proceeds of the offering. The failure todetermine this and other material information would necessarily preclude afinancial advisor from disclosing to a customer the material aspects of atransaction. The iCap Investments Were Sold for High Commissions! It appears from our investigation that the iCap issuers of securities partneredwith other brokerage firms to privately sell the bonds, notes, andmembership interests to their retail customers. The commissions on suchsales by the brokerage firms were as high as 10%. Some of the firms that havesold iCap investments to their customers include: Advisory Group Equity Services, Ltd. Gardner Financial Services, Inc. Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc. Green Vista Capital, LLC Bradley Wealth Management, LLC IBN Financial Services, Inc. Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. IBS Financial Services Group Center Street Securities, Inc. Kingsbury Capital, Inc. Chauner Securities, Inc. Pariter Securities, LLC Claraphi Advisory Networks, LLC Somerset Securities, Inc. Cobalt Capital, Inc. Stillpoint Capital, LLC Financial Goal Securities, Inc. Titan Securities Freedom Investors Corp. Wall Street Strategies, Inc...
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