Regulatory Defense Attorneys
Do You Need An Experienced Securities or Commodities Industry Regulatory Defense Attorney?
Attorney Pearce represents all kinds of investment professionals and others who are targets of or witnesses subpoenaed in investigations, administrative proceedings, and/or enforcement proceedings brought by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), United States Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Florida Office of Financial Regulation (FLA-OFR), National Futures Association (NFA), Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) and other state and industry regulators.
As soon as you have been contacted by the SEC, CFTC, FLA-OFR, FINRA, NFA, CFP or any other state securities or commodities industry attorney or investigator, you should immediately hire a defense attorney experienced with government and self-regulatory agency investigations, administrative proceedings, and enforcement proceedings. You should not assume you can handle these investigations and enforcement proceedings by yourself and make them disappear. The regulators always pounce the hardest on the defenseless!
Attorney Pearce began his legal career with the SEC in 1980. Thereafter, he moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL and has expanded his nationwide SEC defense law practice to include commodities law and the defense of CFTC investigations and enforcement proceedings. Mr. Pearce’s SEC and CFTC defense skills are highly respected throughout Florida and across the nation. In a published Court opinion, Federal District Court Judge Janet C. Hall wrote:
“Since 1983, Attorney Pearce has continued his specialized education by attending hundreds of hours of seminars focused on SEC and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) investigation and enforcement proceedings and the practices and procedures of the securities and commodities industry. He has received intensive training on broker-dealer practices and procedures (both front and back office) in the OTC market and the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), the American Stock Exchange (“AMEX”), and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (“CBOE”). In short, Attorney Pearce has knowledge and skill gained over [40] years of specialized training on the minutiae of broker-dealer practices and procedures and SEC enforcement proceedings which could not be obtained by a competent practicing attorney through routine research or legal experience.”
Attorney Pearce is one of the few attorneys who has not only single handedly beat the SEC’s team of lawyers and investigators but recovered his clients’ attorney’s fees and litigation expenses incurred in the defense of the government’s flawed investigation and enforcement action.
LOOKING TO LEARN MORE: Click here for related articles about Regulatory Defense.
With over 45 Years of Personal Experience
Cases We Handle
The attorneys at our law firm represent all kinds of investment professionals and others who are targets of or witnesses subpoenaed in:
Mr. Pearce’s regulatory defense practice has continued to grow over the next 45 years. He represents companies and individuals in not only SEC and CFTC court and administrative proceedings but brokers and financial advisors in FLA-OFR, FINRA, NFA, CFP Board and other self-regulatory agency disciplinary proceedings for rule infractions and registration issues. He has substantial experience dealing with the state regulators in his home state, Florida, and throughout the United States.
This is a highly specialized area of law, so you need a lawyer with not only knowledge of the law and the policies, procedures and personnel of these agencies but actual experience in defending investigations and proceedings brought by the securities and commodities industry regulators. Call Attorney Pearce for your Free Consultation at 1-800-732-2889 or contact us online today.
Hear From Our Clients
At The Law Offices of Robert Wayne Pearce, P.A., we believe the ultimate barometer of our success is surpassing the expectation of our clients.
The following clients have direct knowledge of our firm's processes from the inside and experienced our fierce advocacy.